Imagine that we slipped a glass plate in the floor and its broken into pieces!!
Can we able to reform the broken pieces into a Normal Plate??

The Answer is No.

Likewise, Climate Change is happened then and Now.

We cannot able to vanish it away but, we can at least reduce the Consequences

In this Era 40%  of people are having Air Conditioners and Refrigerators in their homes. They are designed to keep things cold but they are actually heating the planet.

Chlorofluorocarbons and Hydrocarbons released is destructive to Climate more than the Co2. Instead of this, using Propane and Ammonia may reduce the effects on Climate Change

The More informed we are, the more Empowered we are!!

Take a Mission to Save Planet!!

To know more about #Climate_Change, meet us in the gathering of #climatologists, #researchers at Rome, Italy on "Climate_Change_2018"

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