Carbon and Climate

 #Climate_Change is occurring rapidly and we all know it from #billions of  observations.
One of the main goal of the researchers is to limit the #increase of the #global_surface_temperature.

#Earth has already reached the high #surface_temperature measure have been taken to reduce the #emission of #green_house_gases in which #carbon and #methane plays a vital role in increasing temperature.


#Carbon_dioxide which is releasing as a result of #industries and the burning of fossil fuels insulate the surface of the earth. Since , after Co2 emissions took off with the industrial revolution the average global temperature has increased. Hence necessary steps have to be taken to reduce the level of #Carbon.

On the other hand questions arise, what would happen if we completely stop the emission of Carbon dioxide. Would we return to the climate of our previous generations.

Answer is No.

Once we releases Carbon-dioxide , the released one will be in atmosphere for more than thousand years. It takes nearly a millennia to store in rocks as in the form of Calcium carbonate.

Climate Change can not only stopped by elimination carbon emission but also by stopping other green house gas emissions.

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